Posh Meals On Wheels

I am so grateful to my young Turkish friends who are shopping for me whilst I'm on enforced lock down, due to my age.  They have young children and their own older parents to consider too.  I do feel like a bit of a fraud, as I'm a fairly fit and healthy 65, soon to be 66 year old, very independent and probably at no more risk than them but I'm respectful of the Turkish government's instructions.

Apart from doing my shopping, Gulsah and Muzo have on a few occasions brought me and another English resident, meals and snacks, all home made and delicious, which I jokingly call Posh Meals On Wheels.

We have had Russian Salad, chicken soup and yesterday I was presented with the dish in the photo; a tasty rice and vegetable dish with a lettuce, dill pickle and herb garnish.  As I'd already eaten yesterday, I saved it for today.  Lezzetli! (delicious).


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