Being an old person in Coronavirus Turkey

On Friday, one of the Kusadasi expat FB sites announced that the over 65s and those with chronic illness were to be issued with PPE.  We already have to stay home and have our shopping done by friends, family or the council, have official escort to the doctor and the bank come to us !  I submitted my details not expecting much more to happen but today, I got a phone call and ten minutes later a council official delivered a pack of 3 masks, 3 bottles of sanitiser and gloves (I've not counted them yet).  

I was told that as an old person not allowed away from home, it was a 'one off' emergency pack, for which I am extremely grateful.  

Those not confined to home can register to receive a weekly pack of PPE.  Masks, which have to be worn in public, are also freely available at chemists and supermarkets and the Turkish government have now made them free and it is now illegal to charge for them.

Stay safe, stay home, save lives – Epping Forest District Council          İçişleri Bakanlığı paylaştı... Evde hayat var


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