Stormy Weather

As I lay in bed last night reading, I heard a distant rumbling and at first thought it was a car coming on the complex but as it repeated and started to grow louder I realised it was thunder.  It hadn't been forecast; not on my BBC weather app, anyway.  It got louder and louder until I was in no doubt that it was thunder.  I had a quick peek out of the window but there was no rain.........

Eventually, I drifted to sleep only to be woken very suddenly by an extremely loud, overhead explosion of thunder and lightning.  I decided to take another peek out of the window only to see absolutely torrential rain coming down.  So I jumped out of bed to go close the lounge full length window/doors which I leave open all the time as they aren't accessible from outside.  Luckily, being set back 40 cms from the outer walls, no rain had come in.  The washing I'd left on the airer on the terrace was protected but I took it in, just in case. I decided to chance leaving the bedroom window/door open as it's also inset 40cms and fresh air is definitely needed overnight.

The storm continued, extremely noisily, overhead for quite a while before moving off to go wake other parts of the province.  Eventually, I fell asleep again.  This morning, it's cloudy overhead, slightly dull but with a beautiful cool breeze and  the BBC weather app showing a temperature of 28° rising to 30° over the next three hours and 62% chance of rain, reducing to 35% with eventually going to the more normal 0% and 34° by late afternoon.

Rain here is not like in the UK.  On rare occasions in the spring months, it would 'spit' but only for around a minute.  By the time you'd put your hand out to confirm it was raining, it would have stopped.  Then on other rare occasions we get a complete deluge but unlike in the UK where it will happily continue for days on end, here it would be unusual for it to last longer than an hour, particularly during the day.  Usually, just as in Camelot, it very obligingly rains overnight.  And this is the first time I've seen rain for months. Greatly appreciated to clear the air and water the garden which I forgot to do last night.  And already the sun is starting to break through the clouds.

(not my photo - didn't think to take one).


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