Cooling Rain

We Brits are obsessed with the weather.  Whenever I have a call with a friend in the UK, the first topic of conversation is always a comparison between the weather in Turkey and the UK.

So, here in Kusadasi, we've had a week of, so I'm told, exceptionally high temperatures for this time of year.  Most mornings at 08:30 it was 30° or 32° so by the afternoon it was in to the 40s.  On the first day of the heatwave 43° was recorded in the centre of Kusadasi and I was told that another day it got to 49° in Davutlar, a town close to Sogucak, where we are. It was impossible not to jump in to the outdoor pool for a cool down, although one day it was so hot I couldn't summon up the energy to go in the pool and just lazed inside.  

On the plus side, it is was warm enough to sit outside until late at night, which is not something we get to do often in the UK.

Yesterday the temperature dropped, reaching a high of 'only' 27° which was welcome relief after the previous days. It was quite windy too and I got a cooling breeze from the sea, coming through the lounge windows.  The house martins came out of their nests and the young sat on the barrier round the pool, demanding to be fed.

Today's forecast is for a high of 24° with rain on and off until 16:00 when full sun is predicted.  We have had one heavy shower, so far, but now it's sunny again but breezy.  The sky is a mix of blue and grey with clouds but the air is so fresh!  Tomorrow the forecast is back to day long sun with highs in the low to mid 20s and that is everyday for the foreseeable future.

One benefit of the exceptional weather is the rate at which the flowers, fruit and vegetables are growing.  The hydrangea in my own garden has suddenly bloomed with the most beautiful pink flowers, every day more tomatoes appear and the apricots have changed from green to yellow and more have appeared on the tree.


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